Africa Capacity Bulletin

ACBF has successfully supported the continent in building capacity for the formulation and management of economic policies and in achieving strengthened public administration, transparent and accountable financial management.

Welcome to the fifth edition of Africa Capacity. ACBF acknowledges the importance of partnerships in building capacity in Africa. In September, the Foundation and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT) agreed on a partnership to strengthen knowledge sharing and learning

Welcome to the fourth edition of the Africa Capacity Bulletin. It has been a busy time at the Foundation as we engage deeper with our various stakeholders in our efforts to remain abreast and ahead of the capacity development agenda on the continent. At the Foundation level we have continued in our efforts to better connect with our Boards.

Welcome to our third edition of the bulletin. Our annual Board of Governors meeting took place in Dakar Senegal on 26 & 27 June, with the theme: “Building Capacity for Domestic Resource Mobilization.”

Welcome to the second edition of our bulletin. On 26 & 27 June 2014, ACBF’s Governors will meet in Dakar Senegal to discuss pertinent issues concerning the Foundation’s work and how to strengthen and finance it so that it can continue to promote capacity development across Africa.

Welcome to the first edition of our bulletin for 2014. After assuming duty as Executive Secretary on 2 December 2013, we have hit the ground running with exciting times ahead.