In this Issue: Cote d’Ivoire’s CAPEC is strengthening local management capacity | ACBF is a “center of excellence for the continent” – Kithinji Kiragu | ACBF-assisted Centre sustains Madagascar’s poverty alleviation plan | ACBF gets Gates Foundation grant to support tobacco control in Africa | Fostering a win-win US-Africa Partnership | ACBF Board of Governors Chair pays maiden visit to Secretariat | Events | Download PDF (600 KB)
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the fourth edition of the Africa Capacity Bulletin. It has been a busy time at the Foundation as we engage deeper with our various stakeholders in our efforts to remain abreast and ahead of the capacity development agenda on the continent. At the Foundation level we have continued in our efforts to better connect with our Boards. We held our second Executive Board meeting in August and we discussed the new directions to be explored for capacity development in Africa which include private sector development, infrastructure project preparation and management, domestic resource mobilization and fighting illicit financial flows, management of complex infrastructure contracts and Africa’s engagement with the rest of the world. Read more
Supported by ACBF, Cote d’Ivoire’s CAPEC is strengthening local management capacity
Cellule d’analyse de politiques économiques du CIRES, the Economic Policy Analysis Unit Project of the Ivorian Centre for Economic and Social Research (CAPEC) has carved a niche for itself as the country’s focal point for financial institutions capacity building. With the support of the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), CAPEC is now the “go to” institution in Cote d’Ivoire for capacity-building activities, especially in economic policy analysis and management. Read more
ACBF is a “center of excellence for the continent” – Kithinji Kiragu
"I think we have worked on many initiatives. I would say that we have successfully consolidated the gains of the initial years in terms of the organizations we have supported. For example, in Kenya there are strong institutions that now to stand on their own and initial support was from the ACBF. I think that is one measure of success..."
Interview with Kithinji Kiragu, the outgoing Vice-chairperson of the ACBF Executive Board who has served on the ACBF Board for seven years. Read more
ACBF-assisted Centre sustains Madagascar’s poverty alleviation plan
Madagascar is steadily taking charge of its poverty alienation plan with the help of the Centre de Recherches, d’Etudes et d’Appui à l’Analyse Economique à Madagascar, better known as CREAM, an organization supported by the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF). CREAM is taking a lead in building the capacity of government institutions, the private sector and the civil society. It recognizes that a knowledgeable private sector can act as a vehicle for growth and social development and push for formulation of suitable economic policies. Additionally, they believe in a well-informed civil society, able to participate in policy dialogue and play an advocacy role for equitable sharing of gains from the country’s economic growth. Read more
ACBF gets Gates Foundation grant to support tobacco control in Africa
“Tobacco use is the world’s leading cause of preventable death. Each year, nearly 6.3 million people die prematurely from tobacco-related diseases—more than from AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria combined. If current trends continue, tobacco will cause 8 million deaths a year by 2030 — 80 percent of them in developing countries” (Gates Foundation). On 24 July 2014, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation approved a grant for the African Capacity Building Foundation. Read more
Fostering a win-win US-Africa Partnership
The first ever US-Africa Summit took place at the White House on August 5-6, 2014. The aim of the summit was to enhance US–Africa relations and to further strengthen ties with one of the world’s most dynamic and fast-growing regions.The African Capacity Building Foundation, as the leader in the field of capacity development, just before the epoch-making event, brought six think tanks from the continent to Nairobi to brainstorm on Africa’s expectations at the summit on a region-by-region basis. Read more
ACBF Board of Governors Chair pays maiden visit to Secretariat
Honorable Christian Magnagna, the new Chairman of the Board of Governors of the ACBF, paid his maiden visit to the Foundation’s office in Harare on August 28. Mr. Magnagna, who is the Minister of Budget and Public Accounts of the Republic of Gabon, was elected at the 23rd annual meeting of the BOG in Dakar, Senegal, in June. He succeeded Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, the Nigerian Coordinating Minister for the Economy and Minister of Finance. The visit was in fulfillment of his promise to keep capacity at the center of Africa’s development debate. Read more