The African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) is pleased to announce to the African Think Tank Community, the launch of the African Think Tank Network (ATTN) whose Secretariat is being hosted at ACBF’s headquarters in Harare, Zimbabwe.
As the Think Tanks community will recall, the Summits held in Pretoria, South Africa (February 2014) and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (April 2015) concluded with a set of recommendations to be implemented. Key amongst those recommendations was the necessity to establish an African Network of Think Tanks. Along with this was need to establish a Think Tank Task Force, which would follow-up with implementation of the recommendations of the Summits. To move toward with implementation of the recommendations, the Think Tank Taskforce at its inaugural meeting, as recommended by the Summits, mandated ACBF to establish the African Think Tank Network and its Secretariat.
The Network’s main objective is to provide a platform for sharing information, exchanging ideas, and enhancing partnerships among think tanks in order to individually and collectively develop informed solutions to the pressing development challenges facing Africa.
Membership is open to all think tanks based in Africa. For more details on the Network, its modus operandi, and some of the Network's proposed activities please see the Concept Note and visit the Network’s Website: http://africathinktanks.org/
The Website is still under construction and so the Secretariat will appreciate getting feedback on how it can be improved so meet the expectations and needs of the think tank community.
Let me take this opportunity to ask the Think Tank community to save the dates for the next Think Tank Summit which is slated for 6th to 8th April 2016 at Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe.
For more information visit ATTN website: http://africathinktanks.org/