Harare, 31 May 2017 (ACBF) - World No Tobacco Day is here on this 31st day of May 2017
The African Capacity Building Foundation uses this occasion to reiterate it stance against tobacco use in Africa. It is a development speed-hump that all countries on the continent must try to level out.
The Foundation will continue to work with other partners towards the implementation of the World Health Organization -Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO-FCTC) which is a comprehensive tool to tackle the tobacco issue in Africa and around the world.
Support from the Gates Foundation has been very crucial for the field work being coordinated by ACBF to build the capacity of African governments in coming up with tobacco control policies that will reduce the drug’s threat to the continent’s development.
Let us all join the World Health Organization in “Beating tobacco for health, prosperity, the environment and national development”.