Policy Institutes Committee (PIC)
The Policy Institutes Committee (PIC) is a strategic knowledge network of the Foundation which brings together the ACBF-supported think tanks and policy institutes to share ideas, knowledge and experience to affect policy direction in the continent. The Committee meets twice a year in order to share ideas, knowledge and experiences on pertinent policy development issues, and the management of policy institutes/think tanks in Africa.
Strategic Studies Group (SSG)
The Policy Institutes Committee (PIC) is a strategic knowledge network of the Foundation which brings together the ACBF-supported think tanks and policy institutes to share ideas, knowledge and experience to affect policy direction in the continent. The Committee meets twice a year in order to share ideas, knowledge and experiences on pertinent policy development issues, and the management of policy institutes/think tanks in Africa.
The African Think Tank Network (ATTN)
The African Think Tank Network (ATTN) is a continental platform housed at the African Capacity Building Foundation and dedicated to African think thanks. The Network supports African think tanks in sharing information, exchanging ideas, creating and disseminating knowledge, and creating partnerships in order to individually and collectively develop evidence-based solutions to the pressing development challenges facing Africa.